
The people of the Center for Research on Digital Education, Didactics, and Social Innovation (CREDDI) are:

  • Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Raviolo;
  • Scientific Committee: the center’s promoting committee, integrated by prominent scientific figures, including those from outside the university, is composed of:
    • Prof.ssa Laura Fedeli, University of Macerata
    • Prof. Enrico Landoni, eCampus University
    • Prof. PierCesare Rivoltella, University of Bologna
    • Prof. Davide Taibi, National Research Council, Institute of Educational Technologies of Palermo
    • Prof. Roberto Trinchero, University of Turin

The coordinator represents CREDDI, oversees the organization and activity of the research center, and convenes the scientific committee.

Full Professor of Experimental Pedagogy at eCampus University in Novedrate (CO), he has held research and teaching positions since 2003 in the fields of educational technology, didactics, and docimology in Bachelor’s, Master’s, and postgraduate courses at: the University of Siena, the University of Turin, and the Polytechnic University of Turin. He is the coordinator of the multidisciplinary teacher training center (CEMFI) at eCampus University. His research areas pertain to educational technology and didactic methodologies, and the relationship between didactics and motor activities through the construct of Physical Literacy. His research has focused on the application of the empirical and experimental method to educational research, primarily analyzing the impact of digital technologies on learning and, in particular, media education, in terms of design, models, evaluation methodologies, and competencies. His areas of study include: school, university, professional contexts, and lifelong learning.
Associate Professor at the Department of Human and Social Sciences (DISUS) of eCampus University in the disciplinary scientific sector PAED-02/A, Didactics and special pedagogy. Currently, he holds the teachings of “Pedagogy of Special Educational Intervention” and “Didactics of intercultural pedagogy” at eCampus University. He holds teaching positions in educational technologies, communication pedagogy, and didactic methodologies in degree and master’s courses at the Salesian University Institute of Venice. He has conducted research in the didactic field at the Department of Educational Sciences of the University of Bologna. His research areas concern didactics, education technology, innovative didactic methodologies, media education, and faculty development. His research contexts include school, university, and corporate, social, and educational professional contexts.
Researcher (RTT) in the SSD PAED-02/A – Didactics and special pedagogy at the “Link” University, he teaches Special Pedagogy and Didactics, and Experimental Pedagogy in the primary education sciences degree course. He teaches Didactic methodologies for inclusion at e-Campus University. He holds a Ph.D. in “Law, Education and Development.” He has participated in national and international research projects, collaborating with various academic and research institutions. He was a member 1 of DIDA LAB: Digital Learning Research Ecosystem at the Department of Innovation Engineering of the University of Salento. He has actively participated in scientific conferences and seminars in Italy and abroad, mainly on the use of digital technologies in education. In addition to technologies in learning contexts, his research interests include 2 inclusive didactic methodologies, STEAM disciplines, and the development of citizenship skills through the Citizen Science approach.   
Ph.D. in Educational Sciences and Psychology from the University of Florence and researcher of General and Social Pedagogy (PAED-01/A) at the Department of Human and Social Sciences (DISUS) of eCampus University. She is a member of CREDDI (Center for Research on Digital Education, Didactics, and Social Innovation) of eCampus University, a member of the RELINT research group (Research Center on International Relations) of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, and a member of the CREIF research group (Educational Research Center on Childhood and Families). She is also a contract professor at various Italian universities where she teaches General and Social Pedagogy. Furthermore, she is a teacher for professional development courses for educators-teachers, counselors, supervisors, trainers, and family mediators at various public and private entities on issues related to Childhood and Families. Her main research interests concern the following topics: interculturality, childhood, educational relationships, effective communication, conflict management, and the use of technologies and images in educational contexts. She is an ordinary member of the Italian Society of Pedagogy (SIPED), the Italian Society of Educational and Training Research (SIREF), the Italian Society of General and Social Pedagogy (SIPEGES), and the Italian Society of Media Education Research (SIREM). She has numerous national and international scientific publications. Among the published volumes, Identity and Immigration. Pedagogical Models and Educational Strategies (2021) and winner of the SIPED 2025 Award with the volume Iran, Social Reality and Women’s Issue. Pedagogical Models and Autobiographical Insights (2024). Winner of the Riccardo Massa 2022 Award for the scientific article titled Covid Emergency and Teaching Emergency: the need to train reflective professionals through the clinic of training, published in the Scientific Journal of Band “Training and teaching” (2022).
Researcher in Tenure Track, scientific disciplinary sector PAED-02/B, Experimental Pedagogy (GDS 11/PAED-02 Educational research: didactics, special pedagogy and experimental pedagogy). Her research interests are focused on didactic innovation, training in university didactics (in particular the evaluation of the impacts of Faculty Development paths) and the integration of innovative methodologies for the improvement of learning processes and evaluation practices. Research activities are developed in various contexts, including universities, schools and corporate, social and educational professional sectors.
Religion teacher in secondary school and collaborator of eCampus University since 2024. Graduated in Educational Sciences, he has dealt for several years with issues concerning training and orientation both in the school and university fields. Since 2021 he has been a teacher of General Didactics and IRC at the ISSR of Novara and a referent for internships. He has always been interested in the use of technologies in the didactic field and in the enhancement of methods and strategies for the active involvement of students.
Associate professor in Didactics and special pedagogy (PAED-02/A) at the Department of Human and Social Sciences of eCampus University. With the aim of investigating strategies that can contribute to qualifying teaching-learning processes, her research lines converge on the areas of organization and didactic planning, digital as a resource for didactic innovation, educational leadership and initial and in-service training of teachers. Her studies have also been oriented to deepen supervision as a device to support internship paths and professional practices of educators and teachers, as well as strategies that can favor the predisposition of inclusive and empowering educational contexts.
Researcher RTT in the SSD Didactics and special pedagogy (PAED-02/A) at eCampus University, where she teaches Social pedagogy and deviance, Permanent education and adult training in the CdS LM-51 and Permanent adult education in the CdS LM-85. She holds a Ph.D. in Law, education and development, pedagogue and social service designer. For several years, she was part of the Health Pedagogy research group at the University of Salento. She has actively participated in scientific conferences and seminars in Italy and abroad. Since 2016 she has been an Honorary Judge at the Juvenile Court of Lecce. In addition to the aspects related to the relationship between pedagogy and legality, her research interests include inclusion and special educational needs, inclusive didactics, continuing education and adult education, pedagogy of health sciences, the role of the “body in movement” in learning processes.
Michele Marangi is an associate professor at eCampus University, in Educational Sciences, where he teaches Didactics and Special Pedagogy and Designing and evaluating inclusive didactics with technologies. He is a member of CREDDI (Center for Research on Digital Education, Didactics, and Social Innovation). Media educator, supervisor and trainer, he designs and conducts courses on the use of digital in the pedagogical, didactic, social, cultural, health and business fields. He is a contract professor of Didactics and Technologies of Instruction and Technologies of instruction and learning at the Catholic University of Milan, where he also teaches Communities, networks and fandom at the Master “Communicating sport”. He is a member of CREMIT (Research Center on Media Education Innovation and Technology). He wrote Teaching cinema (2004) and Taming screens. Digital tailored to childhood 0-6 (2023) and published many chapters and articles in books and academic journals on the role of media in pedagogical, social and cultural contexts.
Media Educator and pedagogue, she holds a Ph.D. in Sciences of the Person and Training from the Catholic University. Since 2014 she has been a member of CREMIT (Research Center on Media Education, Innovation and Technology); since 2017 she has been a laboratory teacher of “Didactics and Technologies of Instruction” and expert in the subject for the CdL of Primary Education Sciences at the Catholic University. Since 2018 she has been a disciplinary tutor for the CdL of Educational Sciences and Training of eCampus University, where she has held positions as coordinating and organizing tutor for the L19 internship activities – Childhood Curriculum. Her research topics mainly concern online tutoring and the role of the e-tutor in student engagement in online higher education.

Elisa Mazzella, Ph.D. in Pedagogy and in History of Education and Children’s Literature, is an associate professor of History of Pedagogy (PAED-01/B) at the Department of Human and Social Sciences of eCampus University. She is also a contract professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, where she teaches History of Education. She is a member of the Italian Society of Pedagogy (SIPED) and the Italian Center for Historical-Educational Research (CIRSE). She is part of the editorial board of the series “Theory and History of Education. Emblems” (PensaMultimedia, Lecce-Brescia). She collaborated in the PRIN project “School memories between social perception and collective representation (Italy, 1861-2001)”.
After obtaining a Master’s degree in Pedagogical Sciences at the Catholic University, in 2024 she obtained a Ph.D. in Medium and Mediality at eCampus University, studying the performativity of the teacher applied in the online context. She is currently a research fellow in didactics and special pedagogy (PAED-02/A) at the Catholic University – Milan location. Since 2017 she has collaborated with the CREMIT research center (Research Center on Media Education, Innovation and Technology). She deals with issues related to teacher training, Peer&Media Education, digital pastoral care and Media Education applied in formal and non-formal contexts.
She is a university researcher RTT SSD: PAED-02/B Experimental Pedagogy Department of Human and Social Sciences (DiSUS), eCampus University. She deals with educational research, cognitive enhancement and dynamic evaluation. Graduated in Pedagogy from the University of Turin, she obtained a Ph.D. in Educational Sciences and Training and a Ph.D. in Pedagogy of Cognition. She has carried out two post-doctorates in Turin and a research grant in Bologna. Lecturer of teachings and laboratories since 2002, in particular in the M-Ped 04 sector, at the Universities of: Turin, Urbino, Bologna, Catholic University of Milan and eCampus University. She is a trainer of the Bright Start method by Haywood, the PAS Basic by Feuerstein and the CLPS cognitive training by Trinchero. She is an ordinary member of SIRD and a member of the Bright Start Committee.
Pasquale Renna holds a Ph.D. in Pedagogy of Health Sciences and is an associate professor of General and Social Pedagogy at eCampus University. He is engaged in pedagogical research on issues of health promotion in an intercultural key, with particular regard to Mediterranean cultures. An FNOMCEO expert, he has been collaborating for years on the redefinition of medical ethics with the National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists. Among his publications: Health and Training. Among the Abrahamic cultures of the Mediterranean (Progedit, Bari 2020); The doctor in complex society. Training challenges, with Rosa Gallelli and Franco Manti. Preface by Filippo Anelli (Progedit, Bari 2024).
He is an associate professor (PAED-02/B) at eCampus University, where he teaches Experimental Pedagogy and Docimology. He graduated in Educational Sciences and holds a Ph.D. in Sciences of the Person and Training from the Catholic University. His main research interests concern community technologies, a paradigm of digital welfare, and Faculty Development, with particular attention to the use of digital in training processes in different contexts. He is Program Chair of Helmeto – Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online – member of the editorial board of REM – Research on Education and Media – and is a member of the scientific societies SIREM, SIPED and SIRD. He has carried out academic activities in degree, master and specialization courses at various universities.
Pedagogue and Learning Tutor, graduated in Pedagogical Consulting for Disability and Marginality from the Catholic University of Milan, she then specialized in the field of Specific Learning Disorders by obtaining a master’s degree in Didactics and Psychopedagogy for students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. She deals with issues related to students with Special Educational Needs and training of educational and school staff on the same issues. Since 2021 she has been a disciplinary tutor for the CdL in Educational Sciences and Training of eCampus University. She has various assignments at the same university such as that of tutor for the activities of the L19 internship – Childhood Curriculum. She has always been interested in technologies as a tool that can promote inclusion in educational contexts.
Associate professor (qualified in the first band) in s.c. 11D/2 “Didactics, special pedagogy and educational research” at eCampus University, she teaches in the CdL in Educational Sciences, in the Master’s Degree in Pedagogical Sciences and coordinates the Master’s Degree in Physical Exercise Sciences for Well-being and Health. She is a member of the teaching body of the Ph.D. “Medium and Mediality”. Ph.D. in Developmental Pedagogy, she collaborates with various Italian and foreign universities. She participates in projects of significant national interest, editorial committees of scientific journals and national and international conferences, groups of expert reviewers in Italy and abroad. She is the author of about a hundred publications. A member of scientific societies in the pedagogical area, she mainly deals with: didactics and digital technologies, marginality and social disadvantage, consumption, multicultural coexistence, with particular attention to childhood.
Associate Professor in PAED-02/A – Didactics and Special Pedagogy (formerly M-PED/03) at the Department of Human and Social Sciences (DiSUS) of eCampus University, where she teaches in the degree courses in Educational Sciences and Training (L-19) and Pedagogical Sciences (LM-85). Graduated in Educational Sciences (address: Expert in training processes), she obtained a Ph.D. in Pedagogy (Education) at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart under the guidance of Prof. Pier Cesare Rivoltella, where she subsequently carried out research activities as a research fellow and researcher. Her research interests focus on didactic innovation and the transformations of educational processes in the digital age, with particular attention to the integration of technologies in training contexts and their pedagogical implications. Another area of study concerns the didactics of the image, with a specific focus on the use of photography in primary school as a tool for learning and developing critical thinking. She also deals with teacher training, exploring methodologies and strategies for inclusive and innovative didactics. She is Technical Editor of the journal “REM – Research on Education and Media” and is part of the Scientific Committee of the series “Innovation and environments of training for sustainable development” by Ledizioni.
Initially a permanent teacher in state nursery and primary schools, he is a tenured teacher in the field of literacy and Italian language learning courses for adults. Graduated in Literary Subjects from the Catholic University of Milan, he has held positions in the CdL in Primary Education Sciences of the same university as coordinating and organizing tutor for internship activities, laboratory teacher of “General Didactics” and “Reading-writing”, expert in “General Didactics” and “Didactics and Technologies of Instruction”. Furthermore, he is a teacher in the pedagogical area in the Master dedicated to education in theatricality. He deals with teacher training and is engaged in research in the pedagogical-didactic field (nursery school, integrating background; laboratory didactics; design and evaluation for skills; EAS). He collaborates with professional journals. He is currently attending a Ph.D. in “Media and Mediality” at eCampus University.